Katerina Andriotis: A Modern Professor


Katerina Andriotis says the key to effective curriculum is to keep it engaging and accurate. Simply put, she believes that the key to a better educational system, is looking not at the students, but the curriculum itself, as well as the instructors teaching it. Dr. Andriotis believes that the most effective teaching methods are ones that are interactive, stay current, and involve humor and technology, as well as evoke an emotional response in their students. Too often instructors simply spew out information to their students in an assembly line process, failing to show each unique aspect of the subject, or to help draw connections that students can understand. Dr. Andriotis says that this is the education factory phenomenon, where a facility focuses more on how fast they can churn out degrees and professionals, rather than concerning themselves with how much retention the student will have, or how well they understood and interpreted the material. Dr. Andriotis believes that this is the intrinsic flaw in the education system of today.

Because of Katerina Andriotis's unique approach to teaching, as well as much of her research in the field, some have begun to dub her a new age professor, one who looks for more effective and engaging means of teaching. Dr. Andriotis says that technology and humor are among a few of the simple techniques teachers can employ to better catch the attention of their students, and that these methods are vital to the improvement and future of education as a whole. Dr. Andriotis continues her search for better curriculum by researching material for her latest book, one that addresses the effects on curriculum based on emotional and multiple intelligence.

Katerina Andriotis: Teaching


Katerina Andriotis is dedicated to the improvement of higher education through teaching itself, and administrative and assessment duties.  Dr. Andriotis is an educator with many years of experience in higher education. Dr. Andriotis has taught mostly writing and philosophy throughout her career as an instructor, and over that course of time, has developed and cultivated her own beliefs.  Dr. Andriotis is passionate about being a present figure in the classroom and says that she would use any tools and means at her disposal to make sure that her class retains the material she teaches. Dr. Andriotis however is also aware that every student has different needs as far as their capacity and method for learning. It is for that reason that Dr. Andriotis makes it a point to explore every avenue of teaching so that she can reach each of her students on a personal level.

Katerina Andriotis says that life comes in many different shapes and sizes, as do people. It is no surprise to her then, that each of her students require a different kind of attention to help them learn her material. Dr. Andriotis learned early that everyone's capacity for learning is distinctly different, and has worked hard as a professional instructor to accommodate all learning needs. Dr. Andriotis says that the key is to not be rigid in your course curriculum, but flexible, offering a wide range of methods without limiting or stream lining the information in your lecture. Dr. Andriotis says that often the difference between high and low retention is simply a matter of how bored the student was, which is why you should avoid stuffy lectures. Dr. Andriotis says that you have to be willing to try different things to reach students, including humor and interactive technology, anything to keep them engaged and learning.